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Changes Are Coming

New website, new content, and I am considering whether to do a podcast or videos. Maybe both!

The premise behind all of this is that I want to share with you all what homeschooling looks like, how it has brought us flexibility, joy, and frustration, and what the things we teach our kids stem from. This is my why, My kids! Without even meaning to, they started me on the journey of a holistic lifestyle. One in which I encourage our family to eat real food and learn important subjects like reading and math through areas that interest them.

This isn't always easy, and it definitely isn't perfect, but it brings me so much joy at the end of the day to where I find it worth it.

Many of you, I know, are struggling this year. With the constant changes and restrictions that have been put on on. "Normal" life, the one we were used to, is no longer. What we thought was going to be just a blip is turning in to a months, and soon to be year.

I see you.

And I am here to tell you that you can take some of that power back.

In all honesty, this year has been such a blessing to me and my little family. It has shown us what is important and we dove in head first to that. All the other noises have been (mostly) tuned out.

It's taken finding an awareness of how I am feeling, how my kids are feeling, and melding it together to find a balance.

It's not always perfect, but it is what works for us. What works for you may be different, and that is okay!

Here I am. I am here to tell you our story in the hope that it can encourage some of you to find joy in your life. In the present moments. We put so much value on the future and the past and forget to stop and look around at what is right in front of us. There is so much to be grateful for!

Always here.


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